$199.00 USD

3 monthly payments

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Curriculum Development Foundations Program: Payment Plan

Ready to learn all about curriculum development? 

When you’re done with the program, you will have a polished portfolio with curriculum development samples ready to submit for job opportunities. You’ll walk away with the confidence, skills, and motivation to become a professional curriculum developer! 

When you enroll in the program, you’ll get: 

✔️ A targeted lesson every week, focused on the foundations of curriculum development. Each week for five weeks, you’ll receive a video and resources that walk you through how to apply what you learned. 

✔️ The opportunity to submit your lessons for review and feedback. Get personalized feedback from some of the best curriculum developers in the business. 

✔️ Four live workshops, where you’ll get hands-on practice with curriculum development. Through these workshops, you’ll get a chance to ask questions, get support, and make connections with other members of the program. 

✔️ The ability to submit your lessons to become an Educator Forever Certified Curriculum Developer. 

✔️ The option to get continuing education credit for your participation in the program (at an extra cost)